Here’s a quick guide to the best sizes for static pins in 2023.
1. Board Cover Pins. While most pins on Pinterest should always be long, vertical or portrait by nature, the main pin that promotes each board on your account is one of the exceptions.
Board Cover Pins are square in nature. For optimal quality 2024x2024 is the best size. Here’s an example of optimized Board Cover Pins I did for a client (zoom room).
2. General Static Pins. On a day-to-day basis the most common graphic you will want to make to promote your content is 1000x1500 (or 2x3). This size can also be used for multi-slide ‘Carousel Pins’ that Pinterest lets you make to promote your content on their platform.
3. With the introduction of ‘Idea Pins’ the last couple of years, 1080x1920 has entered the design language for Pinterest. If you are familiar with Instagram Stories, this size will be familiar. As such, making static pin in this size is also acceptable. It also may give some options for content reuse in your strategy, which is always good!
4. Longer Pins? Well, once upon a time longer pins that 2x3 were all the rage on Pinterest. Over time, though, they fell out of favor. Now, it’s hot or miss. I have found including some pins lover than 2x3 in your strategy can be beneficial. Sizes like 1080x2340 (Snapchat dimensions) or 1000x2000 are a couple sizes I have successfully worked with. There are caveats to longer pins though, from a design standpoint. I will cover those in another post.
I hope this general guide to common static Pinterest Graphics Pin Sizes in 2023 helps you out. If you need some custom Pinterest Pins made, I am a 5 star Pinterest Pro on Fiverr. You can learn more here >>
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